
2024年 発表論文2024 Papers Presented

2024年 発表論文

  1. Kemmotsu T, Shimokaze T, Morita Y, Saito T, Toyoshima K(新生児科). Changes in Liver Shear Wave Elastography of Preterm Infants during Hospitalization. Am J Perinatol. 2024 Dec 28.
  2. Eguchi K, Ishimura M, Ohga S, Endo S, Saito S, Kamimura S, Keino D(血液・腫瘍科), Kato S, Azuma Y, Watanabe A, Inoue A, Higa T, Ozono S, Fujita N, Watanabe K, Takahashi Y; Japan Childhood Aplastic Anemia Study Group. Adjunctive effects of eltrombopag on immunosuppressive therapy for childhood aplastic anemia.Int J Hematol. 2024 Dec 27.
  3. Kuroda Y, Nagai K, Kawai Y(遺伝科), Wakamiya T(循環器内科), Naruto T(臨床研究所), Kurosawa K(遺伝科).Recurrent FLNA p.Gly1554Arg Variant Associated With Familial Ebstein Anomaly and Joint Stiffness. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Dec 20:e63973.
  4. Seki E, Uehara T(遺伝科), Yamada M, Takenouchi T, Aida N(放射線科), Kosaki K, Kurosawa K(遺伝科). A girl with a de novo PPP2R5D W207R pathogenic variant was also born with an occipital encephalocele. Clin Dysmorphol. 2024 Dec 19.
  5. Naruto T, Sagisaka M, Ito M(臨床研究所), Hayashi A, Miyagawa N, Keino D, Yokosuka T, Iwasaki F, Goto H, Yanagimachi M(血液・腫瘍科). Chimerism analysis by ABO blood group genotyping with digital droplet PCR. Int J Hematol. 2024 Dec 17.
  6. Saito T, Shimokaze T(新生児科), Niizuma M, Suzuki M, Toyoshima M(看護局), Toyoshima K(新生児科). The effects of telepresence with real-time video and audio communication on parent- infant interaction and staff experience in neonatal intensive care unit. PEC Innov. 2024 Jul 5;5:100315.
  7. Harumatsu T, Murakami M, Nagano A, Sugita K, Ishimaru T, Fujino A, Nakata M, Aoi S, Soh H, Kinoshita Y, Uchida K, Hirabayashi T, Fuchimoto Y, Okajima H, Yonekura T, Koshinaga T, Yagi M, Matsufuji H, Hirobe S, Nio M, Ueno S, Iwai J, Kuroda T(総長), Ieiri S. Current practice regarding the diagnosis and treatment of anorectal malformations in female patients: a multicenter questionnaire survey in Japan. Surg Today. 2024 Dec 8.
  8. Nakagawa M, Zhao W, Nozawa K, Aida N(放射線科), Shiraki N, Yasuda Y, Hiwatashi A. Be familiar with benign pediatric head and neck lesions! Image interpretation guides to overcome your weakness. Jpn J Radiol. 2024 Dec 4.
  9. Shimonodan H, Sakaguchi K, Ishihara T, Okamoto Y, Nishikawa T, Keino D(血液・腫瘍科),Tanoshima R, Suenobu S. Silent inactivation of asparaginase in Japan: results of the prospective ALL-ASP19 trial. Int J Hematol. 2024 Dec;120(6):725-734.
  10. Yamanaka J, Ogawa C, Arakawa A, Deguchi T, Hori T, Kiyokawa N, Ueki H, Nishi M, Mochizuki S, Nishikawa T, Kumamoto T, Nishiuchi R, Kikuta A, Yamamoto S, Koh K, Hasegawa D, Ogawa A, Watanabe K, Sato A, Saito AM, Watanabe T, Manabe A, Horibe K, Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Toyoda H. Outcomes in children with first-relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Japan: Results from JCCG Study JPLSG-ALL-R08. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2024 Dec;71(12):e31319.
  11. Kuroda Y(遺伝科), Naruto T(臨床研究所), Kurosawa K(遺伝科). Subtle phenotypes of Mowat-Wilson syndrome in a patient with a novel ZEB2 C-ZF domain variant. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Dec;194(12):e63822.
  12. Hayashi M, Narumi S, Sato T, Amano N, Suwanai AS, Haruna H, Muroya K, Adachi M(内分泌代謝科), Asanuma H, Ohashi H, Ishii T, Hasegawa T. Genetic and Clinical Characteristics of 185 Japanese Children with 46,XY Differences of Sex Development. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Nov 21:dgae813.
  13. Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Kada A, Ogawa C, Nishiuchi R, Yamanaka J, Iguchi A, Nishi M, Sakaguchi K, Kumamoto T, Mochizuki S, Ueki H, Kosaka Y, Saito AM, Toyoda H. Treatment of relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children: an observational study of the Japan Children's Cancer Group. Int J Hematol. 2024 Nov;120(5):631-638.
  14. Hashii Y, Kawaguchi K, Kurakami H, Umeda K, Hasegawa D, Taki T, Hyakuna N,Ishida H, Takahashi Y, Nagasawa M, Yabe H, Yano M, Nakazawa Y, Fujisaki H,Matsumoto K, Yanagimachi M(血液・腫瘍科), Yoshida N, Kakuda H,Satou A, Tabuchi K, Tomizawa D,Taga T, Adachi S, Koh K, Kato K. A Retrospective Study of Pediatric Patients With Low-or Intermediate-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia Who Underwent Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for the AML-05 Study Conducted by the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group.Transplant Cell Ther. 2024 Nov;30(11):1102.e1-1102.e12.
  15. Sakaguchi H, Taga T, Ishida H, Hama A, Okamoto Y, Sano H, Sato M, Koga Y, Koh K, Iwasaki F(血液・腫瘍科),Yoshida N, Cho Y, Okada K, Watanabe K, Watanabe A, Hasegawa D, Noguchi M, Hashii Y, Matsumoto K, Tabuchi K;Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia Working Group of Japanese Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. Salvage hematopoietic cell transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia relapsed after first transplantation: a Japanese national registry study. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2024 Nov;59(11):1621-1624.
  16. Saeki I, Ida K, Kurihara S, Watanabe K, Mori M, Hishiki T, Yokoi A, Fujimura J, Honda S, Nogami Y, Iehara T, Kazama T, Sekiguchi M, Kitagawa N(外科), Matsumura R, Nomura M, Yamada Y, Hanaki R, Kaneda H, Takama Y, Inoue T, Tanaka Y(病理診断科), Miyazaki O, Nagase H, Takimoto T, Yoshimura K, Hiyama E. Successful treatment of young childhood standard-risk hepatoblastoma with cisplatin monotherapy using a central review system. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2024 Nov;71(11):e31255.
  17. Kuroda Y, Uehara T(遺伝科), Enomoto Y, Naruto T(臨床研究所), Matsumura N(眼科), Kurosawa K(遺伝科).GPC4 truncating variant associated with Keipert syndrome and lacrimal punctal agenesis. Am J Med Genet A.2024 Nov;194(11):e63799.
  18. Uehara T(遺伝科), Seki E(神経内科), Nonoda Y, Kumaki T(遺伝科), Tsuyusaki Y(神経内科), Aida N(放射線科), Enomoto Y(臨床研究所),Ishikura K, Kurosawa K(遺伝科). Two siblings with acute necrotizing encephalopathy associated with variants of LARS1. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Nov;194(11):e63803.
  19. Ebato T, Kishi T, Akamine K, Nozawa T, Imagawa T(感染免疫科), Bando Y, Miyamae T. Evaluation of medication withdrawal in patients with non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis in Japan using a web-based survey. Mod Rheumatol. 2024 Oct 15;34(6):1231-1237.
  20. Nagano N, Kato R, Noto T, Hijikata M, Okahashi A, Nakanomori A, Miyabayashi H, Yoshikawa K, Ichiwata N, Saito H, Sasano M(脳神経外科), Sumi K, Morioka I. Therapeutic Effectiveness of a Novel Cranial Remolding Helmet(baby band2) for Positional Plagiocephaly: A Multicenter Clinical Observational Study. J Clin Med. 2024 Oct 7;13(19):5952.
  21. Inuo C, Matsumoto Y(アレルギー科). Response to comments on 'Milk ladder versus early oral immunotherapy in infants with cow's milk protein allergy'. Clin Transl Allergy. 2024 Oct;14(10):e70001.
  22. Kato K(病理診断科), Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Tanaka M(病理診断科), Suzuki T, Toyoda Y(血液・腫瘍科), Shinkai M, Kitagawa N, Nishi T(外科), Kigasawa H(血液・腫瘍科), Kurosawa K(遺伝科), Aida N(放射線科), Yoshimi A, Noda A,Ito Y, Seki M, Takita J,Nagahara N, Tsuchida M, Tanaka Y(病理診断科). Establishment and Characterization of a Novel Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Cell Line. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2024 Oct;63(10):e23276.
  23. Hiyama E, Hishiki T, Yoshimura K, Krailo M, Maibach R, Haeberle B, Rangaswami A, Lopez-Terrada D, Malogolowkin MH, Ansari M, Alaggio R, O'Neill AF, Trobaugh-Lotrario AD, Watanabe K, Schmid I, Ranganathan S, Tanaka Y(病理診断科), Inoue T, Piao J, Lin J, Czauderna P, Meyers RL, Aronson DC. Upfront or delayed surgery in resectable hepatoblastoma: analysis from the children's hepatic tumors international collaboration database. EClinicalMedicine. 2024 Sep 9;76:102811.
  24. Saito J, Shibasaki J(新生児科), Yamamoto K, Fujita M, Toyoshima K(新生児科). Predictive value of serum interleukin-6 for neonatal encephalopathy outcomes. J Neonatal Perinatal Med. 2024 Sep 28.
  25. Tomomasa D, Suzuki T, Takeuchi I, Goto K, Hagiwara SI, Keino D(血液・腫瘍科), Saida S,Ishige T, Kudo T,Eguchi K, Ishimura M, Matsuda Y, Wada T, Ito Y, Kato M,Sasahara Y, Morio T, Arai K, Uhlig HH, Kanegane H. Successful Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Patients with IL10RA Deficiency in Japan. J Clin Immunol. 2024 Sep 12;45(1):6.
  26. Kato K, Nagai J(病理診断科), Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Shinkai M, Kitagawa N(外科), Toyoda Y(血液・腫瘍科),Nishi T(外科), Kigasawa H(血液・腫瘍科), Tanaka M(病理診断科), Kurosawa K(遺伝科), Ito Y, Haruta M,Kamijo T, Yoshimi A, Tsuchida M, Nagahara N, Tanaka Y(病理診断科). Establishment and characterization of a novel MDM2/MYCN-co-amplified neuroblastoma cell line, NBN-SHIM, established from a late recurrent stage MS tumor. Hum Cell. 2024 Sep;37(5):1602-1609.
  27. Saeki H, Ohya Y, Baba N(皮膚科), Imamura T, Yokota D, Tsubouchi H. An Interim Report of a Phase 3, Long-Term, Open-Label Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Difamilast Ointment in Japanese Infants with Atopic Dermatitis. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2024 Sep;14(9):2443-2455.
  28. Watanabe A, Wang L, Tan TK, Urayama KY, Kizuki T, Komatsu C, Kagami K, Shinohara T, Kasai S, Tamai M, Harama D, Akahane K, Goi K, Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Satou K,Kaname T, Sanda T, Inukai T. Acquired copy number amplification at the MYC enhancer in human B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines. Cancer Sci. 2024 Sep;115(9):3196-3199.
  29. Saito N, Shiraki S(検査科), Ono S, Yanagi S(循環器内科), Toyoshima K(新生児科),Ueda H(循環器内科).Efficiency and feasibility of semi-automated software for measuring left atrial volume in routine echocardiography in a pediatric population. J Ultrasound. 2024 Sep;27(3):669-677.
  30. Uchida H, Shinkai M(外科), Okuyama H, Ueno T, Inoue M, Yasui T, Hiyama E, Kurihara S, Sakuma Y, Sanada Y, Taketomi A, Honda S, Wada M, Ando R, Fujishiro J, Yoshida M, Yamada Y, Uchida H, Tainaka T, Kasahara M;Japanese Society of Pediatric Splenology and Portalvenology. Impact of Portal Flow on the Prognosis of Children With Congenital Portosystemic Shunt: A Multicentric Observation Study in Japan. J Pediatr Surg.2024 Sep;59(9):1791-1797.
  31. Hirano Y(内分泌代謝科), Kuroda Y(遺伝科), Enomoto Y, Naruto T(臨床研究所), Muroya K(内分泌代謝科),Kurosawa K(遺伝科). Noonan syndrome-like phenotype associated with an ERF frameshift variant. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Sep;194(9):e63652.
  32. Kamihara Y, Nagase H, Ishikawa H(産婦人科). Cerebroplacental ratio in low-risk pregnancies: the RATIO37 trial. Lancet. 2024 Aug 24;404(10454):749-750.
  33. Terui K, Nagata K, Yamoto M, Sato Y, Okuyama H, Maruyama H, Yokoi A, Kim K, Masumoto K, Okazaki T, Inamura N, Toyoshima K(新生児科), Koike Y, Yazaki Y, Sato Y, Usui N. Intraoperative surgical complications of open surgery for congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a multicenter, observational study in Japan. Pediatr Surg Int. 2024 Aug 22;40(1):240.
  34. Asano M(眼科), Takeuchi M, Ohno T(眼科), Nakamura J, Mizuki N, Matsumura N(眼科). Lacrimal sac massage for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction: a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Br J Ophthalmol. 2024 Aug 22;108(9):1281-1285.
  35. Tanase-Nakao K, Iwahashi-Odano M, Sugisawa C, Abe K, Muroya K(内分泌代謝科), Yamamoto Y, Kawada Y, Mushimoto Y, Ohkubo K, Kinjo S, Shimura K, Aoyama K, Mizuno H, Hotsubo T, Takahashi C, Isojima T, Kina Y, Takakuwa S, Hamada J, Sawaki M, Shigehara K,Sugimoto S, Etani Y, Narumi-Wakayama H, Mine Y, Hasegawa T, Hishinuma A, Narumi S. Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in 30 Japanese Patients With Congenital Hypothyroidism Attributable to TG Defects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Aug 13;109(9):2358-2365.
  36. Harumatsu T, Murakami M, Sugita K, Ishimaru T, Fujino A, Nakata M, Aoi S, Soh H, Kinoshita Y, Uchida K, Hirabayashi T, Fuchimoto Y, Okajima H, Yonekura T, Koshinaga T, Yagi M, Matsufuji H, Hirobe S, Nio M, Ueno S, Iwai J,  Kuroda T(総長), Ieiri S. Current practice of diagnosis and treatment for rectourethral fistula in male patients with anorectal malformation: a multicenter questionnaire survey in Japan. Pediatr Surg Int. 2024 Aug 9;40(1):220.
  37. Matsumoto Y, Fujita M, Ayumi T, Takamasu T, Inuo C(アレルギー科). Milk ladder versus early oral immunotherapy in infants with cow's milk protein allergy. Clin Transl Allergy. 2024 Aug;14(8):e12388.
  38. Inoue T, Wakabayashi H, Kawase F, Kokura Y, Takamasu T(アレルギー科), Fujiwara D, Maeda K. Diagnostic criteria, prevalence, and clinical outcomes of pediatric sarcopenia:A scoping review. Clin Nutr. 2024 Aug;43(8):1825-1843.
  39. Toyoshima K, Aoki H, Noguchi T(新生児科), Saito N(検査科), Shimizu T, Kemmotsu T, Shimokaze T,Saito T,Shibasaki J, Kawataki M(新生児科), Asou T, Tachibana T(心臓血管外科), Masutani S. Biventricular function in preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus ligation: A three-dimensional echocardiographic study. Pediatr Res. 2024 Aug;96(3):773-784.
  40. Yamanaga S, Shimata K, Ohfuji S, Yoshikawa M, Natori Y, Hibi T, Yuzawa K, Egawa H; Japan Society for Transplantation COVID-19 Registry Study Group(Shinkai M(外科)). Excess mortality in COVID-19-affected solid organ transplant recipients across the pandemic. Am J Transplant. 2024 Aug;24(8):1495-1508.
  41. Nakamura N, Kawabe Y, Momose T, Oba M(整形外科), Yamamoto K, Takamasu T, Suzuki M(看護局),Nakamura N(麻酔科), Koba M(看護科). Adoption of an Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Protocol for Neuromuscular Scoliosis Shortens Length of Hospital Stay. Spine Surg Relat Res.2024 Feb 14;8(4):427-432.
  42. Aoki H, Toyoshima K, Miyagi M, Lin T, Hawaka H, Shimokaze T(新生児科), Masutani S.Feasibility of Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Analysis in Newborns Novice Observers. Pediatr Cardiol. 2024 Jul 17.
  43. Shigeta N, Isaka T, Ono K, Tanaka M(病理診断科), Yokose T, Adachi H, Usuba W, Ito H.Primary lung chordoma:a case report. Diagn Pathol. 2024 Jul 3;19(1):91.
  44. Sasaki T, Matsumura N(眼科), Miyazaki C, Kamao T, Yokoi N, Fujimoto M, Hayami M,Iwasaki A, Mimura M,Murata A, Nakayama T, Shinomiya K, Tanaka H, Ueta Y;Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction: Clinical Guideline Preparation Team;Committee for Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Clinical Guideline.Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction: clinical guideline. Jpn J Ophthalmol.2024 Jul;68(4):367-388.
  45. Sakaki S, Ikegawa T(循環器内科), Kawataki M(新生児科), Ueda H(循環器内科). Prenatal diagnosis and perinatal clinical course of isolated left-sided innominate artery. Cardiol Young. 2024 Jul;34(7):1609-1611.
  46. Uehara E, Abe K, Tanase-Nakao K, Muroya K(内分泌代謝科), Hattori A, Matsubara K, Fukami M,Narumi S.Molecular and Clinical Features of Congenital Hypothyroidism Due to Multiple DUOX2 Variants. Thyroid. 2024 Jul;34(7):827-836.
  47. Takahashi Y, Ishii K, Ishikawa H(産婦人科), Imai K, Baba K, Sago H. National registry of thoracoamniotic shunting using a double-basket catheter: A post-marketing surveillance registry of 295 patients with fetal hydrothorax. Prenat Diagn. 2024 Jul;44(8):971-978.
  48. Sakurai Y, Iwasaki F, Hirose A, Matsumoto N, Miyagawa N, Keino D, Yokosuka T, Hamanoue S, Yanagimachi M,Shiomi M, Goto S(血液・腫瘍科), Tanaka M, Tanaka Y(病理診断科), Nozawa K(放射線科),Goto H(血液・腫瘍科). Metronomic Chemotherapy for Pediatric Refractory Solid Tumors: A Retrospective Single-center Study.J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2024 Jul 1;46(5):233-240.
  49. Iyoda S, Yoshida K, Shoji K, Ito N, Tanaka M, Nannya Y, Yamato G, Tsujimoto S, Shiba N, Hayashi Y, Shiozawa Y, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Okada A, Tanaka H, Miyano S, Koga Y, Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Moritake H, Terui K, Ito E,Kiyokawa N, Tomizawa D,Taga T, Tawa A, Takita J, Nishikori M, Adachi S, Ogawa S, Matsuo H. KRAS G12 mutations as adverse prognostic factors in KMT2A-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia.2024 Jul;38(7):1609-1612.
  50. Kuroda Y(遺伝科), Naruto T(臨床研究所), Tsuyusaki Y(神経内科), Kato A, Aida N(放射線科), Kurosawa K(遺伝科). Role of TOE1 variants at the nuclear localization motif in pontocerebellar hypoplasia 7. J Hum Genet.2024 Jul;69(7):349-355.
  51. Kuroda Y(遺伝科), Ikeda A(神経内科), Naruto T(臨床研究所), Kurosawa K(遺伝科). Early-onset West syndrome with developmental delay associated with a novel KLHL20 variant. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Jul;194(7):e63600.
  52. Suga K, Shono M, Takeda T, Toyoshima K(新生児科), Isayama T; Japan Evidence Based Neonatology (JEBNeo).Prophylactic effects of cyclooxygenase inhibitor on intraventricular hemorrhage: Effect modification by the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage. Pediatr Neonatol. 2024 Jul;65(4):402-403.
  53. Nakamura J, Ohno T(眼科), Mizuki Y, Takeuchi M, Mizuki N, Matsumura N(眼科). Diversity in Lacrimal Pathway Morphology Among Patients with Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction. Clin Ophthalmol.2024 Jun 26;18:1861-1869.
  54. Shikama Y, Yokoya C, Ohara A, Yamashita M, Shimizu Y, Imagawa T(感染免疫科).Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales isolated from hospital sinks: molecular relationships with isolates from patients and the change in contamination status after daily disinfection with sodium hypochlorite.Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2024 Jun 4;4(1):e98.
  55. Ebuoka N, Asai H, Kimura S, Tachibana T(心臓血管外科). Atrial thrombus after total anomalous pulmonary venous connection repair. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2024 Jun;32(5):314-316.
  56. Kumagai E, Tanaka M(病理診断科), Iwasaki F, Yanagimachi M(血液・腫瘍科), Hirokawa D(脳神経外科), Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Tanaka Y(病理診断科).Localized anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive histiocytosis in a cerebellar hemisphere with long-term treatment: illustrative case. J Neurosurg Case Lessons.2024 May 27;7(22):CASE23466.
  57. Miyamoto S, Niizato D, Tomomasa D, Nishimura A, Hoshino A, Kamiya T, Isoda T, Takagi M, Kajiwara M, Azumi S, Hirabayashi S, Sakamoto K, Kishimoto K,Miyamura T, Umeda K, Hirose A, Keino D, Yanagimachi M(血液・腫瘍科), Kanda K, Sakai Y, Ikawa Y, Watanabe K, Tanaka K, Mori T, Ichinohe T, Sakaguchi H, Morio T, Kanegane H.Allogeneic Hematopoietic cell Transplantation Using Alemtuzumab in Asian Patients with Inborn Errors of Immunity. J Clin Immunol. 2024 May 22;44(6):126.
  58. Nagao A, Inagaki Y, Nogami K, Yamasaki N, Iwasaki F(血液・腫瘍科), Liu Y, Murakami Y, Ito T, Takedani H.Artificial intelligence-assisted ultrasound imaging in hemophilia: research, development, and evaluation of hemarthrosis and synovitis detection. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2024 May 9;8(4):102439.
  59. Narumi S, Nagasaki K, Kiriya M, Uehara E, Akiba K, Tanase-Nakao K, Shimura K, Abe K, Sugisawa C, Ishii T,Miyako K, Hasegawa Y, Maruo Y, Muroya K(内分泌代謝科), Watanabe N, Nishihara E, Ito Y, Kogai T, Kameyama K, Nakabayashi K, Hata K, Fukami M, Shima H, Kikuchi A, Takayama J, Tamiya G, Hasegawa T. Functional variants in a TTTG microsatellite on 15q26.1 cause familial nonautoimmune thyroid abnormalities.Nat Genet. 2024 May;56(5):869-876.
  60. Saito N, Shiraki S(検査科), Wakamiya T, Ono S, Yanagi S(循環器内科), Toyoshima K(新生児科), Ueda H(循環器内科).Modeling of multiple atrial septal defects with inferior vena cava rim deficiency: Three-dimensional visualization of the rim based on transthoracic echocardiographic imaging. Echocardiography.2024 May;41(5):e15823.
  61. Saito N(検査科), Kato S, Azuma M, Horita N, Utsunomiya D. Prognostic impact of MRI-derived feature tracking myocardial strain in patients with non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Radiol. 2024 May;79(5):e702-e714.
  62. Ishida H, Kawahara Y, Tomizawa D, Okamoto Y, Hama A, Cho Y, Koh K, Koga Y,Yoshida N, Sato M, Terui K,Miyagawa N(血液・腫瘍科), Watanabe A, Takita J, Kobayashi R,Yamamoto M, Watanabe K, Okada K, Kato K,Matsumoto K, Hino M, Tabuchi K,Sakaguchi H. A higher CD34+cell dose correlates with better event-free survival after KIR-ligand mismatched cord blood transplantation for childhood acute myeloid leukemia.J Hematol Oncol. 2024 Apr 29;17(1):24.
  63. Inoue M(耳鼻いんこう科), Hirama M, Ogahara N, Takahashi M, Oridate N. Factors related to the surgical outcomes of type I tympanoplasty for tympanic membrane perforation in children. Acta Otolaryngol.2024 Apr;144(4):277-283.
  64. Nakamura J, Ohno T(眼科), Inoue M(耳鼻いんこう科), Takeuchi M, Mizuki N, Matsumura N. Otoscopy-assisted intranasal cyst marsupialization for congenital dacryocystocele. J AAPOS. 2024 Apr;28(2):103859.
  65. Kuroda Y, Saito Y(遺伝科), Enomoto Y, Naruto T(臨床研究所), Kurosawa K(遺伝科). A novel ACTB variant in an atypical case of Baraitser-Winter syndrome with cerebellar hypoplasia and diaphragmatic hernia.Clin Dysmorphol. 2024 Apr 1;33(2):75-78.
  66. Ueki H, Ogawa C, Goto H(血液・腫瘍科), Nishi M, Yamanaka J, Mochizuki S, Nishikawa T,Kumamoto T,Nishiuchi R, Kikuta A, Yamamoto S, Igarashi S, Sato A, Hori T, Saito AM, Watanabe T, Deguchi T, Manabe A,Horibe K, Toyoda H. TBI, etoposide, and cyclophosphamide conditioning for intermediate-risk relapsed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2024 Apr;119(4):450-458.
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  93. Murakami H(遺伝科), Enomoto Y(臨床研究所), Kumaki T(遺伝科), Aida N(放射線科), Kurosawa K(遺伝科).Nanopore long-read sequencing analysis reveals ZIC1 dysregulation caused by a de novo 3q inversion with a breakpoint located 7kb downstream of ZIC1. J Hum Genet. 2024 Jan;69(1):47-52.
  94. Kuroda Y, Saito Y(遺伝科), Enomoto Y, Naruto T(臨床研究所), Kurosawa K(遺伝科). A Japanese patient with Teebi hypertelorism syndrome and a novel CDH11 EC1 domain variant. Am J Med Genet A.2024 Jan;194(1):94-99.
  95. Ishida H, Tsujimoto SI, Hasegawa D, Sakaguchi H, Yamamoto S, Yanagimachi M(血液・腫瘍科), Koh K, Watanabe A, Hama A, Cho Y, Watanabe K, Noguchi M, Takeuchi M, Takita J, Washio K, Kato K, Koike T, Hashii Y, Tabuchi K, Hino M, Atsuta Y, Okamoto Y. Optimizing transplantation procedures through identification of prognostic factors in second remission for children with acute myeloid leukemia with no prior history of transplant. Haematologica. 2024 Jan 1;109(1):312-317.
  96. Miyamoto S, Urayama KY, Arakawa Y, Koh K, Yuza Y, Hasegawa D, Taneyama Y, Noguchi Y, Yanagimachi M(血液・腫瘍科), Inukai T, Ota S, Takahashi H, Keino D(血液・腫瘍科), Toyama D, Takita J, Tomizawa D, Morio T, Koike K, Moriwaki K, Sato Y, Fujimura J, Morita D, Sekinaka Y, Nakamura K, Sakashita K, Goto H, Manabe A, Takagi M. Rare TCF3 variants associated with pediatric B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2024;41(1):81-87.
















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